The Significance of Supplication (Dua).
Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihi wasallam said: “ Anyone amongst you whose doors of Dua have opened, in reality the doors of blessings have opened for him. The best of all Duas according to Allah is the asking of safety (against all calamities in both the worlds).”
He also said: “Dua is the weapon of Believer, pillar of Deen & the Noor of the heavens & earth.”
1.Aayatul Kursi.(Reciting 4 times Aayatul Kursi equals to reciting one complete Qur’an)
“Allahu lailaha illa huwal hayyul qayyumu lata’ khuzuhoo sinatunw wala naum lahoo ma fis samawati wama fil ardh manzal laze yashfau’ indahoo illa bi iznih ya’lamu ma baina aideehim wama khalfahum wala yuheetoona bishai’im min ilmihee illa bima sha’a wasi’a kursiyyuhus sama wati wal srdh wala ya’oo duhoo hifzuhuma wahuwal aliyyul azeem.”
2.Elimination of the grief ….. (Hazrath Abu Darda Raziallau ta’ala anhu, narrates that Holy Prophet Sallallho alaihi wasallam mentioned: “Who so ever recites 7 times morning & evening this following Dua, Allah will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world & the hereafter”.
“Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa Rabbul arshil azeem”.
“Allah sufficeth me. There is none worthy of worship but He alone. On Him is my trust, He is the lord of the Supreme Throne.”
3.Protection against Leprosy, Blindness, Madness & Paralysis.(Recite 3 times morning & evening)
“Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.”
4.Angels seek forgiveness on….. (Hazrath Ma’qal bin Yasaar Raziallahu ta’ala anhu, narrates that Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihi wasallam said: “Whoever recites 3 times in the morning, Aoozu billahis sameeil aleem minash – shaitanir – rajeem. & thereafter the last 3 ayats of Surah Hashr once, 70,000 Angels are appointed by Allah, who seek forgiveness on his behalf till evening. If he dies during day, he will die as a martyr). Mishkaat p.188
“Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwa alimul ghaibi wash-shahadati huwar Rahmanur Raheem. Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwal malikul quddoosus salamul mu’minul samawati wal ard, wahuwal azeezul hakeem.” (Surah Hashr).
5.Protection against all harm… (Whosoever recites the following Dua 3 times in the morning & evening , will not be harmed by anything). Mishkaat p.209
“Bismillahi lazee layadhurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil ardhi walafis sama. Wahu was sameeul aleem.”
6.Protection against Witchcraft… (Recite the following Ayat 3 times in the morning & evening, One will be in protected from witchcraft. If one is already suffering from witchcraft then it will be removed).
“Fa lamma alqaw qala Moosa ma ji’tum bihis sihr. Inallaha sayubtiluhu, inallaha la yuslihu amalal mufsideen. Wa yuhiqqul lahul haqqa bikalimatihi, walw karihal mujrimoon.”
7.Protection against evil fate ….. (Holy prophet Sallallaho alaihi wasallam mentioned: “O People! Seek Allah’s protection against severe calamities, trails & tribulations, misfortunes, wretchedness, evil fate & the taunts & malicious joy of the enemies.”) Mirqaat v.5 p.222
“Allahumma inni aoozubika min jahdil balai wadarkish-shaqai, washama-tatil-a’ dai.”
8.Gaining Allah’s guidance & protection against the evils of the heart…
“Allahumma alhimni rushdi Wa aizni min sharri nafsi.”
“O Allah, inspire me with guidance & protect me from the mischief of my soul.” (Tirmizi)
9.Sayyidul-Istighfaar (Hazrath Shaddaad bin Aus Raziallahu ta’ala anhu, narrates that Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihi wasallam stated that Sayyidul-Istighfaar, the most loftiest of all types of repentance).
“Allahumma anta rabbi lailaha illa anta khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana ala ahdika wa wa’dika mastata’tu, aoozubika min sharri ma sana’tu aboou-laka binematika alayya wa aboou bizambi faghfirli fainnahu la yaghfiruz zunuba illa antawaghfir likulli mu’miniw wa mu’minah.”
10.Saviour from shirk-e-khafi. (To protect against Performing Ibadat for show & ostentation).
“Allahumma inni aoozubika min an ushrika bika shaianw wa ana a’lamu wa astaghfiruka limala a’alam.” (Recite 3 times).
11.Zikr for protection….. ( 1.To recite 7 times in journey prevents from all calamities & protect from the danger of conveyance. 2.To keep its copy in bag ensures safety. 3. To recite 11 times morning & evening ensures protection.
“Allahu hafeezun lateefun qadeemun azaliyyun haiyun qayyoomul la yanamu.”
12.Key to Paradise…. (One who recites this would be bestowed with 20,000 sawabs. Only death would prevent him from entering Paradise. When he meets with death he would enter Paradise).
“La ilaha illal lahu muhammadur rasoolullah”
13.The most comprehensive of Supplications {Duas} (The following Dua is such a comprehensive Dua that it includes in it all the Duas of Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihi wasallam over 23 years.
Hazrath Abu-Umaamah Raziallahu ta’ala anhu, narrates that Holy Prophet sallallaho alaihi wasallam made a large number of Duas during his lifetime. However, a few of us could barely remember any. We asked: “ O Rasoolullah! You have made so many Duas, but we are unable to even remember a few.”
Rasoolullah Sallallaho alaihi wasallam replied: “should I not show you such a comprehensive Dua that includes all Duas? Read the following Dua.
“Allahumma inni asaluka min khairi ma sa alaka minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun Sallallaho alaihi wasallam, wa aoozubika min sharri masta aza minhu nabiyyuka antal musta an wa alaikal balgh walahawla walaquwwata illa billah.